Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Our doors at the new Brookland studio will open to the public on Saturday, October 26, 2013, 1:00pm-6:00 pm. Meet the resident artists and, see what is happening in Brookland, and of course tell us if you can make our first open drawing/painting session the following Saturday morning, November 2, 2013. We currently plan to have weekly Saturday morning meetings with a long pose. For long time Dupont Drawing Group members: we have good news: we will continue wednesday nights for the forseeable future (through January at least and hopefully beyond). One final note, we will fold DDG into the Washington Drawing Center over the next few months…look for changes, but hopefully good ones! Events on Saturday, October 26, 2013, 1:00pm-6:00 pm.: • Visit 26 art studios in the new Brookland Arts Walk complex, be sure to check out what’s happening at the Washington Drawing Center (Studio 7): • Enter the raffle for your chance to win an oil painting, free drawing sessions, or a free monotype workshop • Free figure drawing session with a costumed model from 2:00-4:00pm • Exhibition of resident artists

Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring, Summer, 2013

Exhibition Call: DDG at Church of the Pilgrims April/May 2013: CALL DUPONT DRAWING GROUP SCHEDULE: Schedule Wednesdays, 7:00~9:30pm. Spring, Summer 2013 Open drawing meetings have been scheduled on Wednesday evenings through Junish 2013. We have extended the meetings one half~hour to end at 9:30pm. Attendance has been high over the last several months...late arrivers may struggle to find a spot to draw (room for 20 comfortably). Look for the Tuesday confirm email. To get the weekly reminder subscribe (or email) to the group: Dupont Drawing Group subscribe. Otherwise we plan to schedule dates through July, 2013. Hope you can make as many of these meetings as you can.